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cimpl.KafkaException: KafkaError{code=_INVALID_ARG,val=-186,str="No such configuration property: "bootstrap_servers""}

I am trying to produce AVRO data to Kafka topic through python producer script, I already installed python dependencies avro-python3 and confluent_kafka, however when running this script i got below error:

  File "./", line 24, in <module>
    kafka_producer_obj = Producer(kafka_config_obj)
cimpl.KafkaException: KafkaError{code=_INVALID_ARG,val=-186,str="No such configuration property: "bootstrap_servers""}

After investigation i found that I should install (libsasl2-dev and libsasl2-modules) dependencies. (sudo yum install gcc libffi-devel python-devel python-pip python-wheel openssl-devel libsasl2-devel openldap-devel), but i got below Error: Unable to find a match: python-devel python-pip python-wheel libsasl2-devel


  • Your shown error has nothing to do with OS packages.

    It's bootstrap.servers, not with an underscore. Also, the Kafka module is with hyphen, not underscore.

    Docs -

    You can additionally install fastavro with pip.