I need to create an dynamic link to to hyperlink a string so that anybody clicks on that string it opens the lin related to that day. For example if someone clicks today it will open this link. https://sobbanglay.com/sob/history-today-november-23/
Can you please help me to to create a simple script to create the above URL pattern dynamically?
I tried something like below, taking help from this forum but I am not able to print the month in string. Can you please help me to achive this is with simple html script like below?
<a href="https://sobbanglay.com/sob/history-today-january-01/" id="link">As it happened on today</a>
var d = new Date();
var month = d.getMonth() +1;
var day = d.getDate();
document.getElementById("link").href = "https://sobbanglay.com/sob/history-today-" + month + "-" + day + "/";
As you can see, if u press the link you will get the month (11), but if u want November, you can try to make a switch case (just make all the cases)
<a href="https://sobbanglay.com/sob/history-today-january-01/" id="link">As it happened on today</a><script>
var monthNames = ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"];
var d = new Date();
let month = monthNames[d.getMonth()];
var day = d.getDate();
document.getElementById("link").href = "https://sobbanglay.com/sob/history-today-" + month + "-" + day + "/";
I know is not the best answer but it works.