I want to use lua to send tcp messages to the server. The server requests to send a little-endian uint32 byte stream to it. But my lua doesn't have string.pack and string.unpack. How to achieve it with only lua but not c?
My opinion is: 1.converts not in uint32 format to uint32
function UIUtils.GetStr2ID(strID)
return (string.byte(strID, 1) << 24) | (string.byte(strID, 2) << 16) | (string.byte(strID, 3) << 8) | (string.byte(strID, 4))
2.change it to little-endian
I want to know how to solve this problem.
Your question is very unclear. Do you want:
where str
is a string.Output is a little endian 4-byte-string.
local floor = math.floor
local function uint32_to_bytestr(n)
assert(n % 1 == 0 and n >= 0 and n < 2^32, "n does not fit in a uint32")
return ("%c%c%c%c"):format(
n % 0x100,
floor(n / 0x100) % 0x100,
floor(n / 0x10000) % 0x100,
floor(n / 0x1000000) % 0x100
Input is a little endian 4-byte-string, output is a number from 0
to 2^32-1
local function bytestr_to_uint32(str)
assert(#str == 4, "byte string is not 4 bytes long")
return str:byte(1)
+ str:byte(2) * 0x100
+ str:byte(3) * 0x10000
+ str:byte(4) * 0x1000000