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How can I implement a UpdateCallback on a CacheItemPolicy from another class?

I have a simple Cache attribute implemented using postsharp. When I set the cache policy I want to be able to set a update callback like below.

 private static CacheItemPolicy GetCachePolicy(CacheType type, int expiry)
        var policy = new CacheItemPolicy();

        switch (type)
            case (CacheType.Absolute):
                policy.AbsoluteExpiration = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddSeconds(expiry);
                policy.UpdateCallback = new CacheEntryUpdateCallback(UpdateHandler);
            case (CacheType.Sliding):
                policy.SlidingExpiration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, expiry);

        return policy;

This is fine if I just want to do this:

 private static void UpdateHandler(CacheEntryUpdateArguments arguments)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

However, I want to be able to pass in a delegate/method/ method name and parameters into dynamically and execute that. SO I would expect to see something like (obviously syntax is wrong):

private static CacheItemPolicy GetCachePolicy(CacheType type, int expiry Func<?,?> method)
        var policy = new CacheItemPolicy();

        switch (type)
            case (CacheType.Absolute):
                policy.AbsoluteExpiration = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddSeconds(expiry);
                policy.UpdateCallback = new CacheEntryUpdateCallback(method);
            case (CacheType.Sliding):
                policy.SlidingExpiration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, expiry);

        return policy;


I got it working. Not the most elegant method, bud it works.

My Aspect code is as follows:

public sealed class CacheAttribute : MethodInterceptionAspect
    private readonly CacheType m_cacheType;
    private readonly int m_expiry;
    private readonly bool m_useCallBack;
    private KeyBuilder m_keyBuilder;

    public KeyBuilder KeyBuilder

        get { return m_keyBuilder ?? (m_keyBuilder = new KeyBuilder()); }


    public CacheAttribute(CacheType cacheType, int expiry, bool useCallBack)
        m_cacheType = cacheType;
        m_expiry = expiry;
        m_useCallBack = useCallBack;

    public CacheAttribute(CacheType cacheType, int expiry)
        m_cacheType = cacheType;
        m_expiry = expiry;
        m_useCallBack = false;

    //Method executed at build time.

    public override void CompileTimeInitialize(MethodBase method, AspectInfo aspectInfo)

        KeyBuilder.MethodParameters = method.GetParameters();

        KeyBuilder.MethodName = string.Format("{0}.{1}", method.DeclaringType.FullName, method.Name);


    public override void OnInvoke(MethodInterceptionArgs context)
        object value;

        string key = KeyBuilder.BuildCacheKey(context, context.Arguments);
        if (!CacheHelper.Get(key, out value))
            // Do lookup based on caller's logic. 
            value = context.ReturnValue;
            var cacheObject = new CacheObject {CacheValue = value, Context = context};
            CacheHelper.Add(cacheObject, key, m_cacheType, m_expiry, m_useCallBack);

        context.ReturnValue = value;

My Callback is as follows:

  private static void UpdateHandler(CacheEntryUpdateArguments arguments)
        CacheObject cacheObject = (CacheObject)arguments.Source.Get(arguments.Key);
        cacheObject.CacheValue = cacheObject.Context.ReturnValue;

        CacheItem updatedItem = new CacheItem(arguments.Key, cacheObject);
        arguments.UpdatedCacheItem = updatedItem;


  • You can do this:

    private static CacheItemPolicy GetCachePolicy(CacheType type, int expiry, 
                                        Action<CacheEntryUpdateArguments> method)
         policy.UpdateCallback = (a) => method(a);
         return policy;

    Or just this:

    private static CacheItemPolicy GetCachePolicy(CacheType type, int expiry, 
                                                 CacheEntryUpdateCallback method)
         policy.UpdateCallback = method;
         return policy;