I was looking up for ways to make my loop fast,then I found about list comprehensions.
I tried it on my own, but I don't fully understand it yet.
From what I learned researching about list comprehensions, the code I like to execute would be on the left side, followed by the conditions then the for loop.
So, it would basically look like this.
["Something I'd like to execute" Some conditions for loop]
Following this style, I did it like this.
The code I was trying to turn into a one liner:
graph = []
for g in range(M):
satisfy = []
graph_count = 0
for i in range(N-1):
count = 0
for j in range(N):
if i < j and count < 1:
if graph_count < g:
count += 1
graph_count += 1
elif i < j:
My Attempt
graph = [[count+=1,graph_count+=1,satisfy.append("1") if graph_count < g else satisfy.append("0") and if i<j and count<1 else satisfy.append("0") if i<j for j in range(N) count=0 for i in range(N-1)] graph_count=0, "".join(map(str,satisfy)) for g in range(M)]
What am I doing wrong?
There are two kinds of optimization:
function)Optimizing algorithms may have much higher returns than spending the same effort on micro-optimizations.
Here is my solution to your problem. After analyzing the expected output, I found some patterns and reduced the number of loops and allocations:
from itertools import accumulate
graph = []
size = N * (N - 1) // 2
s = list(reversed(list(accumulate(range(N)))))
for g in range(M):
satisfy = ["0"] * size
for i in range(N - 1):
if g > i:
satisfy[size - s[i]] = "1"