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How could ArrayDeque has unlimited size with an array backup

I read this "Array deques have no capacity restrictions" from here:,Null%20elements%20are%20prohibited.

However, in the source code I found it's using an array (maximum capacity is Integer.MAX_VALUE), and it will throw exception when growing up:

if ((minCapacity = oldCapacity + needed) - MAX_ARRAY_SIZE > 0) {
    if (minCapacity < 0)
        throw new IllegalStateException("Sorry, deque too big");
    return Integer.MAX_VALUE;

I'm confused, does ArrayDeque really have unlimited size?


  • As Thomas already mentioned in his comment, the practical limit is Integer.MAX_VALUE which equals to 2,147,483,647 ~ 68 GB. Thus, the javadoc of ArrayDeque is only correct regarding the theory behind it, but not the actual implementation.

    I cannot think of a scenario, which would justify to use ArrayDeque to its maximum capacity. IMHO it would only be the symptom of a very bad code design and should be avoided.