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Store SlashCommandBuilder options in another js file

I have an option in a SlashCommandBuilder that goes like this:

.addStringOption((option) => option
    .setDescription('In which city are you currently based from?')
           name: 'City 1', 
           value: 'City-1-Example' 
           name: 'City 2', 
           value: 'City-2-Example' 

I was thinking of creating another separate .js file, let's say options.js that contains:

export const options = {
    city: [
           name: 'City 1', 
           value: 'City-1-Example' 
           name: 'City 2', 
           value: 'City-2-Example' 

    optionsForAnotherCommand: [

so that I could easily edit options in one file for all SlashCommandBuilder options. Makes it organized and clean, I can go ahead and do this now:

.addStringOption((option) => option
    .setDescription('In which city are you currently based from?')

However, it returns to me an error:

errors: [[ 0, ValidationError: Expected the value to not be an array ...

The code works with the first example, but it's going to be a hassle if I want to change options for all of my commands since I have to open them file by file. Was wondering if this is possible or if it's not, is there a more organized way to store your options in a SlashCommandBuilder?


  • Thank you for the answer @Zsolt Meszaros.

    The answer is simple, you just add ... before it:
