I'm making such a arrow shooting game. Everything is good. but I realized if I draw line tracking my arrow, It will be great. so I put some code on my game in my Scheduler that is supposed to draw circle where arrow is going. But I had to draw so many circle, so game frame is not good when I shoot multi arrow.
Is there other better way? I use CCSpriteBatchNode, plist, CCSpriteFrameCache already. I did all I can do. I need help Thanks so much
this is my code
[self schedule:@selector(CollisionDetection:)];
- (void)CollisionDetection:(ccTime)dt
for (CCSprite *arrow in arrows->arrowsArray)
CCSprite *track = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:@"WhiteCircle.png"];
[track setPosition:arrow.position];
[arrows->rootLayer->arrowsSheet addChild:track];
id delete = [CCFadeOut actionWithDuration:1.0];
id deleteAction= [CCSequence actions:delete ,[CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget:self selector:@selector(spriteActionFinished:)], nil];
[track runAction:deleteAction];
The allocation of objects is a large overhead. If your game runs to slow you should consider creating a pool of arrows at the beginning of the game and only trigger the action on it as soon as you need it. If it is not visible anymore just set it to inactive and reuse it the next time you need an arrow.