I'm running Delphi Tokyo 10.2. My Tooltip Symbol Insight (when debugging) has suddenly stopped working. The Code Insight that shows tool-tip information in the editor on mouse hover has also stopped working. All other Code Insight features appear to be working.
I attempted a Windows Update (Windows 11) which failed and rolled back. (I don't know if it's related to that or not. Code Insight worked before the update attempt and now doesn't.)
I have unchecked and rechecked all the Code Insight check-boxes in the Options window. In my frustration I have even uninstalled and reinstalled Delphi 10.2. Still no Tooltip Code Insight.
I'm guessing that it may be an invalid or missing registry entry but really have no idea.
Does anyone have the experience or knowledge to get my tool tip code insight back?
For those Delphi developers that may experience this in the future, I have found the answer.
My setup is on a laptop that usually has multiple monitors. I removed the additional monitors and was able to successfully install the Windows 11 update. The issue then resolved to the following:
The same was true of the applications I built in Delphi. If I ran them on the laptop with no extra monitors I got tooltips. If I added a monitor the tooltips disappeared.
It turns out that I installed ElevenClock (a Windows app that adds seconds to the clock in the system tray - an extremely valuable feature for me) at around the same time that I attempted the Windows 11 update.
I removed ElevenClock and, presto, my tooltips now work flawlessly. Those with more knowledge of Windows messaging are free to add comments but it would appear that ElevenClock was intercepting the message that ultimately generated the Delphi Application.OnShowHint event.