Search code examples

Successive approximation of unkown value

I have a url with a page system.

For instance https://myURL?p=50

But I want a script to find the last page available, for instance, let's say p=187

I have a function checkEmpty() that tells me whether the page is empty or not. So for instance:

$myUrl = new URL(50); //https://myURL?p=50
//This evaluates to false -> the page exists

$myUrl = new URL(188); //https://myURL?p=188
//This evaluates to true -> the page does NOT exist

$myUrl = new URL(187); //https://myURL?p=187
//This evaluates to false -> the page exists

I did a naive algorithm, that you might guess it, performs too much requests.

My question is: What would be the algorithm to find the last page with the minimal amount of requests?

EDIT As requested by people in the comment here is the checkEmpty() implementation

public function checkEmpty() : bool
    $criteria = "Aucun contenu disponible";
    if(strstr( $this->replace_carriage_return(" ", $this->getHtml()), $criteria) !== false)
        return true;
        return false;


  • Since the upper bound is not known, exponentially increase the page no by 2 starting from 1. The moment you hit a non-existent page, you can do a binary search from previous existing page + 1 till this new upper bound where the page doesn't exist.

    This way, you can get your answer in O(log(n)) attempts asymptotically where n is the no. of existing pages here as the sample space.

    $lowerBound = 1;
    $upperBound = 1;
        $myUrl = new URL($upperBound);
        $lowerBound = $upperBound + 1;
        $upperBound <<= 1;
    $ans = $lowerBound;
    while($lowerBound <= $upperBound){
        $mid = $lowerBound + (($upperBound - $lowerBound) >> 1);
        $myUrl = new URL($mid);
            $upperBound = $mid - 1;
            $lowerBound = $mid + 1;
            $ans = $lowerBound;
    echo $ans;