The following piece of code:
class Test:
/** A very
* useful
* piece
* of
* documentation
def helloWorld =
42 match
case 42 =>
/** A very
* useful
* piece
* of
* documentation
def helloAgain = ???
is transformed into
class Test:
/** A very
* useful
* piece
* of
* documentation
def helloWorld =
42 match
case 42 =>
/** A very
* useful
* piece
* of
* documentation
def helloAgain = ???
by scalafmt
despite the = keep
It seems that it is aligning /**
as if it belonged to the same block as b()
The same thing happens with one-line def
class C:
def foo = bar
/** doc
def baz = ???
which is also turned into
class C:
def foo = bar
/** doc
def baz = ???
because it thinks that /** doc
is in same block as bar
Question: Is there anything I can do to prevent it from quasi-randomly indenting all the documentation comments? Or should one just switch back to curly braces for now?
Full .scalafmt.conf
Here is a preliminary sketch of the config that I copied together from various bits and pieces so far:
version = 3.6.1
runner.dialect = scala3
preset = default
maxColumn = 120
indent.main = 2
indent.significant = 2
indent.extendSite = 2
indent.withSiteRelativeToExtends = 3
indent.ctrlSite = 2
indent.defnSite = 2
indent.ctorSite = 2
indent.relativeToLhsLastLine = [match, infix]
indentOperator.exemptScope = all
align.preset = more
align.openParenCallSite = false
align.openParenDefnSite = false
align.multiline = true
align.tokens."+" = [
code = "<-"
owners = [{
regex = "Enumerator\\.Generator",
parents = [ "Term\\.ForYield" ]
code = "="
owners = [{
regex = "Enumerator\\.Val",
parents = [ "Term\\.ForYield" ]
align.tokenCategory {
Equals = Assign
LeftArrow = Assign
align.treeCategory {
"Defn.Trait" = "class/object/trait"
"Defn.Class" = "class/object/trait"
"Defn.Object" = "class/object/trait"
"Defn.Val" = "val/var/def"
"Defn.Def" = "val/var/def"
"Defn.Var" = "val/var/def"
"Enumerator.Generator" = forComp
"Enumerator.Val" = forComp
rewrite.rules = [AvoidInfix, SortImports, RedundantParens, SortModifiers]
newlines.afterCurlyLambda = preserve = keep
The exact Scala version of the example is 3.2.1
(latest at the time of writing).
I found out that the problem is indent.relativeToLhsLastLine = [match, infix]
. Without this setting scalafmt doesn't indent the first line of your docstring.
I believe that the cause of this behaviour is this fix
Upd: I added an issue related to your problem