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Printing tid value on OPENMP turns error omp_get_num_thread()

I want to parallelize the following code, and find which thread doing which task

subroutine costfunction(r,n,k,distancereg,indices,new_centro,cluster,cost,tid)
203     integer, dimension (:), allocatable, intent(out)  :: distancereg, indices
204     integer, dimension (:), allocatable, intent(out) :: cluster
205     real, dimension (:,:), allocatable, intent(in) :: r
206     real, dimension (:,:), intent(in), allocatable :: new_centro
207     real, dimension(:), intent(out), allocatable :: cost
208     integer :: i,k
209     integer, intent (in):: tid
210     allocate(cluster(k))
211     allocate(cost(k))
212     allocate(distancereg(k))
214     call min_distance(r,n,k,centroid,distance,indices,distancereg)
215     cluster = 0
217    !$OMP PARALLEL DO private  (i,k)  shared (cluster,cost,indices)
218     tid = omp_get_thread_num()
219      do i=1,k
220        cost(i)=0
221        cluster(i)=count(indices==i)
222        cost(i)=(1.0/cluster(i))*distancereg(i)
223      print*, tid
224     end do
226     print*," total sum of cluster members ",sum(cluster)," vs N ",n
228  end subroutine

But when it turns error on line 218 (tid) saying that unexpected assignment statement. I dont know where is the mistake,


  • The !$omp parallel do should include only a do loop, no other statements.

    If you want other statements, you can use an ordinary !$omp parallel region with an !$omp do inside. It is not required to combine the parallel and do into a single directive even if there is just the loop and nothing more.