I'm beginer in C#. Now I have next task: In method I get template and arguments and I have to return formated string.
For example:
template = "Hello, {name}!"
name = "Bob"
So result must be a string -> Hello, Bob!
public static string GetHelloGreeting(string template, string name)
return string.Format(template, name);
expects an index in the braces. You want to pass the name in it, so you can replace it with the actual name value.
I'd suggest to use String.Replace
public static string GetHelloGreeting(string template, string name)
return template.Replace("{name}", name);
You could provide a method which is more reusable. For example:
public static string ReplaceAll(string template, params (string key, string value)[] replacements)
foreach (var kv in replacements)
template = template.Replace("{"+ kv.key + "}", kv.value);
return template;
Your example:
string res = ReplaceAll("Hello, {name}!", ("name", "Bob"));
but also possible with multiple parameters:
string res = ReplaceAll("Hello, {name}! Now it's {time}", ("name", "Bob"), ("time", DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm")));