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String format template as parameter

I'm beginer in C#. Now I have next task: In method I get template and arguments and I have to return formated string.

For example:

template = "Hello, {name}!"

name = "Bob"

So result must be a string -> Hello, Bob!

public static string GetHelloGreeting(string template, string name)
    return string.Format(template, name);


  • String.Format expects an index in the braces. You want to pass the name in it, so you can replace it with the actual name value. I'd suggest to use String.Replace:

    public static string GetHelloGreeting(string template, string name)
        return template.Replace("{name}", name);

    You could provide a method which is more reusable. For example:

    public static string ReplaceAll(string template, params (string key, string value)[] replacements)
        foreach (var kv in replacements)
            template = template.Replace("{"+ kv.key + "}", kv.value);
        return template;

    Your example:

    string res = ReplaceAll("Hello, {name}!", ("name", "Bob"));

    but also possible with multiple parameters:

    string res = ReplaceAll("Hello, {name}! Now it's {time}", ("name", "Bob"), ("time", DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm")));