Search code examples

Multiple extraReducers

i have several extraReducers, that do the same action. I wonder if i did it right:

const favouriteSlice = createSlice({
    name:  "favourite",
    initialState: {
        loading: true,
        entities: "initial",
        error: null,
    reducers: {},
        [addFavourite.pending && deleteFavourite.pending && getMyFavourites.pending]: (state) => {
            state.loading = true
        [addFavourite.fulfilled && deleteFavourite.fulfilled && getMyFavourites.fulfilled]: (state, action) => {
            state.loading = false
            state.entities = action.payload
        [addFavourite.rejected && deleteFavourite.rejected && getMyFavourites.rejected]: (state, action) => {
            state.loading = false
            state.error = action.payload

I tried to write each extraReducer separately, it also worked but it took up a lot of space.


  • This approach is acceptable, but it's quite hard to parse what each extraReducer is doing at a glance.

    I would try and improve the legibility with a bit of formatting like so:

    extraReducers: {
        [addFavourite.pending &&
        deleteFavourite.pending &&
        getMyFavourites.pending]: (state) => {
          state.loading = true;
        [addFavourite.fulfilled &&
        deleteFavourite.fulfilled &&
        getMyFavourites.fulfilled]: (state, action) => {
          state.loading = false;
          state.entities = action.payload;
        [addFavourite.rejected &&
        deleteFavourite.rejected &&
        getMyFavourites.rejected]: (state, action) => {
          state.loading = false;
          state.error = action.payload;