for example, how to replace <Isis/>
with twins in the first row in the whole table?
I try to use the following codes, but Python indicates:"TypeError: replace() argument 1 must be str, not None"
import pandas as pd
import re
df = pd.read_csv('train.csv')
p = re.compile('<\w+/>')
df['original'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['original'].replace(
p.match(x['original']), str(x['edit'])), axis = 1)
I hope powerful friends help me, very anxious, thank you!
I expect the code can return the DataFrame format, and "France is ‘ hunting down its citizens who joined ’ without trial in Iraq" can be changed to "France is ‘ hunting down its citizens who joined twins ’ without trial in Iraq".
can you try:
import re
df['original'] = df.apply(lambda x: re.sub("<.*?>", x['edit'], x['original']),axis=1)