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Knapsack with SPECIFIC AMOUNT of items from different groups

So this is a variation of the Knapsack Problem I came with the other day.

It is like a 0-1 Knapsack Problem where there are multiple groups and each item belongs to only one group. The goal is to maximize the profits subject to the constraints. In this case, a fixed number of items from each group have to be chosen for each group.

It is similar to the Multiple Choice Knapsack Problem, but in that case you only pick 1 of item of each group, in this one you want to pick x amount of items of each group

So, each item has: value, weight and group

Each group has an item count (Ex: if group A (or 0) has 2, the final solution needs to have 2 items of group A, no more no less)

And and you also have a maximum capacity (not related to the groups)

This translates into:

  • values[i] = The value of the ith element
  • weights[i] = The weigth of the ith element
  • groups[i] = The group of the ith element
  • C = Capacity
  • n = Amount of elements
  • m = Amount of groups
  • count[j] = Amount of items of group j

I'm attempting a Recursive solution first and then I will try a Dynamic approach.

Any solution would be appreciated (preferably Python, but anything will do :) ).

Usefull links I found:


  • Full code also in:

    Explanation after the code.

    This code is for an example where you have a Fantasy League with a playersDB where each player has price (weight), points (value) and position (group); there is a list of possible_formations (group variations); and a budget (W) you can't go over.

    Full code:


        from group_knapsack import best_full_teams
        playersDB = [
            Player(name="Keylor Navas", price=16, points=7.5, position="GK"),
            Player(name="Laporte", price=23, points=7.2, position="DEF"),
            Player(name="Modric", price=22, points=7.3, position="MID"),
            Player(name="Messi", price=51, points=8.2, position="ATT"),
        possible_formations = [
            [3, 4, 3],
            [3, 5, 2],
            [4, 3, 3],
            [4, 4, 2],
            [4, 5, 1],
            [5, 3, 2],
            [5, 4, 1],
        budget = 300
        best_full_teams(playersDB, possible_formations, budget)

        import itertools
        from MCKP import knapsack_multichoice_onepick
        def best_full_teams(players_list, formations, budget):
            formation_score_players = []
            for formation in formations:
                players_points, players_prices, players_comb_indexes = players_preproc(
                    players_list, formation)
                score, comb_result_indexes = knapsack_multichoice_onepick(
                    players_prices, players_points, budget)
                result_indexes = []
                for comb_index in comb_result_indexes:
                    for winning_i in players_comb_indexes[comb_index[0]][comb_index[1]]:
                result_players = []
                for res_index in result_indexes:
                formation_score_players.append((formation, score, result_players))
                print("With formation " + str(formation) + ": " + str(score))
                for best_player in result_players:
            formation_score_players_by_score = sorted(formation_score_players,
                                                      key=lambda tup: tup[1],
            for final_formation_score in formation_score_players_by_score:
                print((final_formation_score[0], final_formation_score[1]))
            return formation_score_players
        def players_preproc(players_list, formation):
            max_gk = 1
            max_def = formation[0]
            max_mid = formation[1]
            max_att = formation[2]
            gk_values, gk_weights, gk_indexes = generate_group(players_list, "GK")
            gk_comb_values, gk_comb_weights, gk_comb_indexes = group_preproc(gk_values,
            def_values, def_weights, def_indexes = generate_group(players_list, "DEF")
            def_comb_values, def_comb_weights, def_comb_indexes = group_preproc(
                def_values, def_weights, def_indexes, max_def)
            mid_values, mid_weights, mid_indexes = generate_group(players_list, "MID")
            mid_comb_values, mid_comb_weights, mid_comb_indexes = group_preproc(
                mid_values, mid_weights, mid_indexes, max_mid)
            att_values, att_weights, att_indexes = generate_group(players_list, "ATT")
            att_comb_values, att_comb_weights, att_comb_indexes = group_preproc(
                att_values, att_weights, att_indexes, max_att)
            result_comb_values = [gk_comb_values, def_comb_values, mid_comb_values,
            result_comb_weights = [gk_comb_weights, def_comb_weights, mid_comb_weights,
            result_comb_indexes = [gk_comb_indexes, def_comb_indexes, mid_comb_indexes,
            return result_comb_values, result_comb_weights, result_comb_indexes
        def generate_group(full_list, group):
            group_values = []
            group_weights = []
            group_indexes = []
            for i, item in enumerate(full_list):
                if item.position == group:
            return group_values, group_weights, group_indexes
        def group_preproc(group_values, group_weights, initial_indexes, r):
            comb_values = list(itertools.combinations(group_values, r))
            comb_weights = list(itertools.combinations(group_weights, r))
            comb_indexes = list(itertools.combinations(initial_indexes, r))
            group_comb_values = []
            for value_combinations in comb_values:
                values_added = sum(list(value_combinations))
            group_comb_weights = []
            for weight_combinations in comb_weights:
                weights_added = sum(list(weight_combinations))
            return group_comb_values, group_comb_weights, comb_indexes

        import copy
        def knapsack_multichoice_onepick(weights, values, max_weight):
            if len(weights) == 0:
                return 0
            last_array = [-1 for _ in range(max_weight + 1)]
            last_path = [[] for _ in range(max_weight + 1)]
            for i in range(len(weights[0])):
                if weights[0][i] < max_weight:
                    if last_array[weights[0][i]] < values[0][i]:
                        last_array[weights[0][i]] = values[0][i]
                        last_path[weights[0][i]] = [(0, i)]
            for i in range(1, len(weights)):
                current_array = [-1 for _ in range(max_weight + 1)]
                current_path = [[] for _ in range(max_weight + 1)]
                for j in range(len(weights[i])):
                    for k in range(weights[i][j], max_weight + 1):
                        if last_array[k - weights[i][j]] > 0:
                            if current_array[k] < last_array[k - weights[i][j]] + \
                                current_array[k] = last_array[k - weights[i][j]] + \
                                current_path[k] = copy.deepcopy(
                                    last_path[k - weights[i][j]])
                                current_path[k].append((i, j))
                last_array = current_array
                last_path = current_path
            solution, index_path = get_onepick_solution(last_array, last_path)
            return solution, index_path
        def get_onepick_solution(scores, paths):
            scores_paths = list(zip(scores, paths))
            scores_paths_by_score = sorted(scores_paths, key=lambda tup: tup[0],
            return scores_paths_by_score[0][0], scores_paths_by_score[0][1]

        class Player:
            def __init__(
                    name: str,
                    price: float,
                    points: float,
                    position: str
       = name
                self.price = price
                self.points = points
                self.position = position
            def __str__(self):
                return f"({}, {self.price}, {self.points}, {self.position})"
            def position(self):
                return self._position
            def position(self, pos):
                if pos not in ["GK", "DEF", "MID", "ATT"]:
                    raise ValueError("Sorry, that's not a valid position")
                self._position = pos
            def get_group(self):
                if self.position == "GK":
                    group = 0
                elif self.position == "DEF":
                    group = 1
                elif self.position == "MID":
                    group = 2
                    group = 3
                return group


    Okay,so I managed to find a solution translating what was here: Solving the Multiple Choice Knapsack Problem from C++ to Python. My solution also gives the path that got you to that solution. It uses Dynamic Programming and it's very fast.

    The input data, instead of having groups[i], has the weights and the values as a list of lists, where every list inside represent the values of each group:

    • weights[i] = [weights_group_0, weights_group_1, ...]
    • values[i] = [values_group_0, values_group_1, ...]


    • weights_group_i[j] = The weigth of the jth element of the ith group
    • values_group_i[j] = The value of the jth element of the ith group

    Those would be the inputs of knapsack_multichoice_onepick. Here is an example:

    # Example
    values = [[6, 10], [12, 2], [2, 3]]
    weights = [[1, 2], [6, 2], [3, 2]]
    W = 7
    print(knapsack_multichoice_onepick(weights, values, W))  # (15, [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)])

    After that I followed @user3386109 's suggestion and did the combinations with the indexes. The group preprocesing methods are players_preproc, generate_group and group_preproc.

    Again, this code is for an example where you have a Fantasy League with a playersDB where each player has price (weight), points (value) and position (group); there is a list of possible_formations (group variations); and a budget (W) you can't go over.

    The best_full_teams method prints everything and uses all the previous ones.