I use Python and SPARQL to make a scheduled query for a database. I tried to use the python f-string and doc-string to inject today's date in the query, but when I try so, a conflict occurs with SPARQL syntax and the python string.
The better way would be to use SPARQL to get today's date.
In my python file my query looks like this:
query = """
PREFIX skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
VALUES (?currentDateString) {(today)}
FILTER(xsd:date(?dateApplicabilityNode) >= xsd:date(?validDateString) && xsd:date(?dateApplicabilityNode) <= xsd:date(?currentDateString))
How to get today's date in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD"?
returns the datetime (as xsd:dateTime
) of the query execution:
BIND( now() AS ?currentDateTime ) .
To get only the date (as xsd:string
), you could use CONCAT()
with year()
, month()
, and day()
BIND( CONCAT( year(?currentDateTime), "-", month(?currentDateTime), "-", day(?currentDateTime) ) AS ?currentDateString ) .
(To get the date as xsd:date
, you could use xsd:date(?currentDateString)