We are in the process of migrating a MySQL 5.7 database to PostgreSQL 9.6.
A real issue is the lack of bit_count
function in PostgreSQL. This function is also not available in the upcoming version 10.
Current MySQL code snippet (simplified):
-- mysql specific, tested with 5.7.19
select code,phash,bit_count(phash ^ -9187530158960050433) as hd
from documents
where phash is not null and bit_count(phash ^ -9187530158960050433) < 7
order by hd;
We tried a naive solution (converting the BIGINT to a String and counting the "1"'s), but it performs terribly compared to MySQL.
Java uses a trick from Hacker's Delight, but AFAIK this is not possible with PostgreSQL, because the >>>
operator is (also) not available.
Question: Is a there solution/workaround available comparable with MySQL performance wise?
Best solution i could find is based on this SO answer:
First create bit_count
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bit_count(value bigint)
RETURNS numeric
AS $$ SELECT SUM((value >> bit) & 1) FROM generate_series(0, 63) bit $$
Now we can use almost the same SQL as with MySQL:
-- postgresql specific, tested with 9.6.5
select code,phash,bit_count(phash # -9187530158960050433) as hd
from documents
where phash is not null and bit_count(phash # -9187530158960050433) < 7
order by hd;
Based on @a_horse_with_no_name comment, i tried this function:
-- fastest implementation so far. 10 - 11 x faster than the naive solution (see UPDATE 1)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bit_count(value bigint)
RETURNS integer
AS $$ SELECT length(replace(value::bit(64)::text,'0','')); $$
However, this is still 5 - 6 times slower than MySQL (tested wit exact the same data set of 200k phash values on the same hardware).
Function bit_count is available since PostgreSQL version 14, see Bit String Functions and Operators.
select bit_count(B'1101');
Result is 3.
Note that the function is defined for types bit and bit varying. So if you want to use it with integer values, you need to cast.
select cast (cast (1101 as text) as bit varying);
Result is B'1101'.
Combining both examples:
select bit_count(cast (cast (1101 as text) as bit varying));