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Error when calling a user-defined function within a while loop, but not when called directly

When I call the user defined function sRGB_to_CAM16UCS in the console, it displays the result as intended. But when I try to call it within a while loop it throws an error. Can somebody help me understand the error?


sRGB_to_CAM16UCS <- function(R255, G255, B255){
  # Convert sRGB to 1931 CIE XYZ [IEC 61966-2–1:2003(E)]
  ## Convert to the range of 0 to 1
  R1 <- R255 / 255
  G1 <- G255 / 255
  B1 <- B255 / 255
  ## Gamma Expansion of sRGB values
  gamma_inverse <- function(RGB1){
    if (RGB1 < -0.04045 | RGB1 > 0.04045){
      ((RGB1 + 0.055)/1.055)^2.4
    } else {
  R_li <- gamma_inverse(R1)
  G_li <- gamma_inverse(G1)
  B_li <- gamma_inverse(B1)
  # Convert linear RGB values to CIE XYZ
  X <- 41.24 * R_li + 35.76 * G_li + 18.05 * B_li
  Y <- 21.26 * R_li + 71.52 * G_li + 07.22 * B_li
  Z <- 01.93 * R_li + 11.92 * G_li + 95.05 * B_li
  # Convert XYZ to CAM16
  ## User defined Parameters 
  X_w <- 96.4212
  Y_w <- 100
  Z_w <- 82.5188
  L_A <- 40
  Y_b <- 20
  surround <- 2 
  discounting <- FALSE
  ## Predefined functions and constants
  ### M16
  M16 <- matrix(c(0.401288,-0.250268,-0.002079,
                  0.650173, 1.204414, 0.048952,
                 -0.051461, 0.045854, 0.953127), nrow = 3, ncol=3)
  ### lerp
  lerp <- function(a,b,c){
    (1 - c) * a + c * b
  ### Crop 
  crop <- function(a,b,c){
    pmin(pmax(c, a), b)
  ### Define adapt 
  adapt <- function(component){
    con <- (F_L * abs(component) * 0.01)^0.42
    sign(component) * 400 * con / (con + 27.13)
  ### Define unadapt 
  unadapt <- function(component){
    sign(component) * 100 / F_L * ((27.13* abs(component))/(400-abs(component)))^2.38095238095
  # Calculations
  ## Calculate "c"
  if (surround >=1){
    c <- lerp(0.59, 0.69, surround-1)
    c <- lerp(0.525, 0.59, surround)
  ## Calculate "F" and "N_c"
  if (c >= 0.59){
    N_c <- lerp(0.9, 1.0, (c - 0.59)/.1)
  } else {
    N_c <- lerp(0.8, 0.9, (c - 0.525)/0.065)
  ## Calculate "k"
  k <- 1/(5*L_A + 1)
  ## Calculate F_L
  F_L <- k^4 * L_A + 0.1 * (1-k^4)^2 * (5 * L_A)^0.33333333333
  ## Calculate n
  n <- Y_b / Y_w
  ## Calculate z 
  z <- 1.48 + sqrt(n)
  ## Calculate N_bb 
  N_bb <- 0.725 * n^-0.2
  ## Calculate D
  if (discounting == FALSE){
    D <- crop(0,1,N_c* (1 - 1/3.6 * exp((-L_A - 42)/92)))
  }else {
    D <- 1
  ## Calculate the "RGB_w"
  RGB_w <- matrix(c(M16[1,1] * X_w + M16[1,2] * Y_w + M16[1,3] * Z_w,
                      M16[2,1] * X_w + M16[2,2] * Y_w + M16[2,3] * Z_w,
                    M16[3,1] * X_w + M16[3,2] * Y_w + M16[3,3] * Z_w), nrow = 3, ncol=1)
  # Calculate the "D_RGB"
  D_RGB <- apply(RGB_w, c(1, 2), function(x)((1 - D) * 1 + D * Y_w/x))
  # Calculate the "D_RGB_inv"
  D_RGB_inv <- apply(D_RGB,c(1, 2),function(x)1/x)
  # Calculate the "RGB_cw"  
  RGB_cw <- RGB_w*D_RGB
  # Calculate RGB_aw
  RGB_aw <- apply(RGB_cw, c(1,2), adapt)
  # Calculate A_w
  A_w <- N_bb * ( 2 * RGB_aw[1,1] + RGB_aw[2,1] + 0.05 * RGB_aw[3,1])
  # Calculate RGB_a
  R_a <- adapt((M16[1,1] * X + M16[1,2] * Y + M16[1,3] * Z) * D_RGB[1,1])
  B_a <- adapt((M16[2,1] * X + M16[2,2] * Y + M16[2,3] * Z) * D_RGB[2,1])
  G_a <- adapt((M16[3,1] * X + M16[3,2] * Y + M16[3,3] * Z) * D_RGB[3,1])
  # Calculate Hue
  a <-  R_a + (-12 * G_a + B_a) / 11
  b <- (R_a + G_a - 2 * B_a) / 9
  h_rad <- atan2(b, a)
  h_ucs <- h_rad*(180.0/pi)
  # Calculate Lightness (J)
  e_t <- 0.25 * (cos(h_rad + 2) + 3.8)
  A <-  N_bb * (2*R_a + G_a + 0.05*B_a)
  J <- 100 * ((A / A_w)^(c*z))
  J_ucs <- 1.7 * J / (1 + 0.007 * J)
  # Calculate brightness (Q)
  Q <- 4/c * sqrt(J/100) * (A_w + 4) * (F_L^0.25)
  # Calculate chroma (C)
  t <- (5000 / 13 * N_c * N_bb * e_t * sqrt(a*a + b*b)) / (R_a + G_a + 1.05 * B_a + 0.305)
  alpha <- t^0.9*(1.64 - 0.29^n)^0.73
  C <- alpha * sqrt(J/100)
  # Calculate colorfulness (M)
  M <- C * F_L^0.25
  M_ucs <- log(1 + 0.0228 * M) / 0.0228
  # Calculate redness-greenness(a)
  a_ucs <- M * cos(h_rad)
  # Calculate yellowness-blueness(b)
  b_ucs <- M * sin(h_rad)
  # Calculate Saturation (s)
  s <- 50 * sqrt(alpha*c /(A_w + 4))
  return(tibble(R255, G255, B255, h_ucs, J_ucs ,M_ucs ,a_ucs, b_ucs)) 

nc <- 5
rgb_vals <- tibble(r1 = rdunif(nc, b=255, a=0), g1 = rdunif(nc, b=255, a=0), b1 = rdunif(nc, b=255, a=0))

test <- 1 
test_df <- tibble(h_ucs = numeric(), J_ucs = numeric(), M_ucs = numeric(), a_ucs = numeric(), b_ucs = numeric())

while(test <= nrow(rgb_vals)){
  test_r <- sRGB_to_CAM16UCS(rgb_vals[test, 1],rgb_vals[test, 2],rgb_vals[test, 3])
  test_df <- rbind(test_df, test_r)
  test <- test + 1

output <- cbind(rgb_vals, test_df)
openxlsx::write.xlsx(output, "rgb2camucs.xlsx")

threw an error as following

Error in atan2(b, a) : non-numeric argument to mathematical function
> output <- cbind(rgb_vals, test_df)
Error in data.frame(..., check.names = FALSE) : 
  arguments imply differing number of rows: 5, 0
> print(output)
Error in print(output) : object 'output' not found

UPDATE: If I wrap the a and b with as.numeric() function, it throws the following error message:

! Column names `r1`, `r1`, `r1`, `r1`, `r1`, and 1 more must not be duplicated.
Use .name_repair to specify repair.
Caused by error in `repaired_names()`:
! Names must be unique.
x These names are duplicated:
  * "r1" at locations 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, etc.
Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.


  • This is because b and a are indeed non-numeric arguments. They are data.frames.

    • Replacing that line with h_rad <- atan2(b$r1, a$r1) makes it work as class(b$r1) results in numeric. Note that the last line of code where output is exported to an XLSX does not work.

    • You can also "unpack" your 1x1 data.frame using double brackets before calling your method, i.e., say test_r <- sRGB_to_CAM16UCS(rgb_vals[[test, 1]],rgb_vals[[test, 2]],rgb_vals[[test, 3]]) instead of test_r <- sRGB_to_CAM16UCS(rgb_vals[test, 1],rgb_vals[test, 2],rgb_vals[test, 3]) near the end of your code. This way you are passing the plain numbers to your function. This way, also the export to XLSX works.

    I found this using RStudio's debugger, setting a breakpoint to that line and then entering class(b) into the console on the bottom. Screenshot of RStudio's debugger used for solving this issue