I am trying to find out how to use bloc/cubits in flutter but I've met a problem with state arguments.
Also I use freezed and freezed_annotation for models in auth
This is my cubits file:
import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart';
import 'package:productivity/models/auth/auth.dart';
part 'auth_state.dart';
class AuthCubit extends Cubit<AuthState> {
AuthCubit() : super(AuthState(
Auth( // Here I get this error: Too many positional arguments: 0 expected, but 1 found.
email: "",
password: "",
firstName: "",
lastName: "",
genderId: 0,
ageGroupId: 0,
countryUuid: 0
) // Auth comes from models/auth.dart
void setCountryUuid(int countryUuid) => emit(state.copyWith(countryUuid: countryUuid));
But if I try to fix it using IDe(Add required positional parameter) then my state file is getting broken
This is my state:
part of 'auth_cubit.dart';
class AuthState extends Equatable {
final String? email;
final String? password;
final String? firstName;
final String? lastName;
final int? genderId;
final int? ageGroupId;
final int? countryUuid;
const AuthState({
AuthState copyWith({
String? email,
String? password,
String? firstName,
String? lastName,
int? genderId,
int? ageGroupId,
int? countryUuid,
}) {
return AuthState( // 1 positional argument(s) expected, but 0 found.
email: email ?? this.email,
password: password ?? this.password,
firstName: firstName ?? this.firstName,
lastName: lastName ?? this.lastName,
genderId: genderId ?? this.genderId,
ageGroupId: ageGroupId ?? this.ageGroupId,
countryUuid: countryUuid ?? this.countryUuid,
List<Object?> get props =>
[email, password, firstName, lastName, genderId, ageGroupId, countryUuid];
And this is my models/auth/auth.dart file:
import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
part 'auth.freezed.dart';
part 'auth.g.dart';
class Auth with _$Auth {
factory Auth({
String? email,
String? password,
String? firstName,
String? lastName,
int? genderId,
int? ageGroupId,
int? countryUuid
}) = _Auth;
factory Auth.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$AuthFromJson(json);
You are passing Auth
inside AuthState
. For AuthState
cubit, it will be
class AuthCubit extends Cubit<AuthState> {
AuthCubit() : super(AuthState(
email: "",
password: "",
For Auth
cubit, it will be
class AuthCubit extends Cubit<Auth> {
AuthCubit() : super(Auth(
email: "",
password: "",