I have a timeline and would like a box to be drawn next to a particular number of years
digraph timeline {
node [fontsize=24, shape = plaintext];
1940 -> 1950;
1950 -> 1955;
1955 -> 1960;
node [fontsize=20, shape = box];
{ rank=same; 1940 test; }
This places a timeline on the left hand side going from 1940 to 1950 and so forth. I would like draw a box next to the numbers that starts at 1940 - which is what I do now with { rank=same; 1940 test; }
and that ends with 1955.
Here is an example of the box drawn at 1940
Here is an example of the box drawn at 1955 with code { rank=same; 1955 test; }
I would like to have the box drawn from the start of 1940 position to the end of 1955 position, so encompassing these two boxes right now.
Tricky solution is to draw a cluster and place invisible nodes inside it using style=invis
. Then align the cluster with the timeline using newrank
digraph timeline {
node [fontsize=24, shape = plaintext];
1940 -> 1950 -> 1955 -> 1960;
subgraph cluster_1 {
test [fontsize=20]
cl_start [shape=none style=invis]
cl_end [shape=none style=invis]
cl_start -> test -> cl_end [style=invis]