I have the following query:
MATCH (n) WHERE n.uid IN $uids
WITH n as nodes, apoc.agg.minItems(n, n.level).items as highestNode
MATCH (nodes)-[:TRANSLATES_TO]-(a) where a.tree_id = apoc.agg.first(highestNode).tree_id
return nodes, a
I'm getting the error Aggregations should not be used like this.
This is happening when introducing the first
function on the third line of the query. minItems
returns a map with the same key for each node so I need to get the first element of the map somehow. What minItems
I used the min()
function and then used the value of that in a list comprehension like this:
match (n) where n.uid in $uids
with collect(n) as nodes, min(n.level) as min
with nodes, [x in nodes where x.level = min][0] as minNode
unwind nodes as node
match (node)-[:TRANSLATES_TO]-(a) where a.tree_id = minNode.tree_id
return node, a