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UpSetR error when using queries: replacement has 1 row, data has 0

I have tried to use UpsetR to visualize the input file which can be found here

> library("UpSetR")
> orthogroups_df<- read.table("orthogroups.GeneCount.tsv",  header=T, stringsAsFactors = F)
> #All species
> selected_species <- colnames(orthogroups_df)[2:(ncol(orthogroups_df) -1)] 
> selected_species
 [1] "Atha" "Cann" "NQLD" "Natt" "Ngla" "Nlab" "Nsyl" "Ntab" "Ntom" "Slyc" "Stub" "Vvin"
> head(orthogroups_df)
  Orthogroup Atha Cann NQLD Natt Ngla Nlab Nsyl Ntab Ntom Slyc Stub Vvin Total
1  OG0000000    0    0  965    0    0    3    0    0    0    0    0    0   968
2  OG0000001    0    1    3    0    0  448    0    0    0    0    0    0   452
3  OG0000002    0    1  313    0    0  120    1    0    1    0    0    0   436
4  OG0000003    0   93   15   21   46   16   33   63   36   25   39   26   413
5  OG0000004    1   42    2   34  109    6    8  154   11    9    4    0   380
6  OG0000005    0    2   61    1   34   44   91   70   43   20    1    0   367
> ncol(orthogroups_df)
[1] 14
> orthogroups_df[orthogroups_df > 0] <- 1
> upset(orthogroups_df, 
+       nsets = ncol(orthogroups_df), 
+       sets = rev(c(selected_species)), 
+       queries = list(list(query = intersects, params = list("NQLD", "Nlab", "Nsyl"), color = "#238c45", active = T),
+                 list(query = intersects, params = list("NQLD", "Nlab"), color = "#ffd977", active = T)))

Error in `$<`(`*tmp*`, "freq", value = 45L) : 
  replacement has 1 row, data has 0

How is it possible to fix the above error?


  • We need to set the number of intersects - nintersects - to a higher number so that sets in query params can be shown.

    By default nintersects is set to 40, and list("NQLD", "Nlab", "Nsyl") appears after 40 at 90th position, so we need a bigger number, here I tried with 90:

          nsets = ncol(orthogroups_df), 
          sets = rev(c(selected_species)), 
          nintersects = 90,
          queries = list(
            list(query = intersects,
                 params = list("NQLD", "Nlab", "Nsyl"),
                 color = "red",
                 active = TRUE),
            list(query = intersects, 
                 params = list("NQLD", "Nlab"), 
                 color = "blue", 
                 active = TRUE)))

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