I follow this installation guide : https://docs.janusgraph.org/getting-started/installation/
I run :
docker run -it -p 8182:8182 janusgraph/janusgraph
but when i try to connect with the gremlin console I have this exception :
gremlin-driver-initializer] INFO org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.ConnectionPool - Signalled closing of connection pool on Host{address=localhost/, hostUri=ws://localhost:8182/gremlin} with core size of 2
18:32:42.556 [gremlin-driver-initializer] ERROR org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.Client - Could not initialize client for Host{address=localhost/, hostUri=ws://localhost:8182/gremlin}
18:32:42.560 [main] ERROR org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.Client -
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information*
I try with docker desktop and realize than my container automatically stop after 26 seconds. I have read than docker container automatically stop when nothing run on it. When I inspect it there is the message :
/etc/opt/janusgraph/janusgraph-server.yaml will be used to start JanusGraph Server in foreground.
Could you help me to configure it ?
Thanks for your help, HadoopMarc, but it wasn't a issue of different console version, i try to call:
docker inspect <container-id>
and I discover that :
"State": {
"Status": "exited",
"Running": false,
"Paused": false,
"Restarting": false,
"OOMKilled": true,
"Dead": false,
"Pid": 0,
"ExitCode": 137,
"Error": "",
"StartedAt": "2022-11-22T08:18:16.4661912Z",
"FinishedAt": "2022-11-22T08:19:21.7929991Z"
with "OOMKilled": true. I affect more RAM to my docker container ( swith from 1Go to 20 Go and my docker container successfully started ! :)
But still with no logs .. :(