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How to reference tuples in Racket records?

I'm new to Racket/Scheme (just learning it at my university) and I want to create a record named flower which has an attribute called flower-coordinates which should accept a touple or something like that, aka. x and y coordinates in the form '(x y)

I am using DrRacket with the language preset: "Beginner: custom" which seems to simplify the language itself. I hope anyone knows that.

I've written following lines of code up until now:

(define-record flower
  (flower-name string)
  (flower-waterlevel natural)
  (flower-coordinates tuple))      ; <----- problem! 

(define new_flower (make-flower "Blubb" 50 '(23 12)))

tuple is not defined, which makes sense, since it does not exist in Racket but is there a way of how I could reference that here? As you might have noticed, I am a complete noob in Racket.


  • define-record is provided by the deinprogramm teaching language (Schreibe Dein Programm!), so I guess your "Language: Beginner - Custom" is based on that. Try, whether your language provides list-of:

    (define-record flower
      (flower-name string)
      (flower-waterlevel natural)
      (flower-coordinates (list-of natural)))
    (define new-flower (make-flower "Blubb" 50 (list 23 12)))

    If your language is Schreibe Dein Programm! - Anfänger (or it doesn't provide list-of), you have to define a new record for coordinates:

    (define-record coordinates
      (x natural)
      (y natural))
    (define-record flower
      (flower-name string)
      (flower-waterlevel natural)
      (flower-coordinates coordinates))
    (define new-flower (make-flower "Blubb" 50 (make-coordinates 23 12)))