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Upgrade Issues .Net 6

  1. IsMimeMultipartContent()

  2. IAuthenticationFilter is not available

  3. Read Multipart

  4. HttpContextWrapper

I am expecting to identify how can I achieve these when I am upgrading the FW4.8 to .Net6


  • "CS1061: ActionExecutingContext does not contain a definition for Request".

    HttpContentMultipartExtensions.IsMimeMultipartContent is used to determine whether the specified content is MIME multipart content.

    In Asp.Net Core, you can check that the request is multipart/form-data using property HttpRequest.HasFormContentType:

    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext actionContext)
        if (!actionContext.HttpContext.Request.HasFormContentType){}

    You can also refer to Mathieu Renda's answer.

    IAuthenticationFilter is not available. core doesn't contain the IAuthenticationFilter, if you want to authenticated the user, you can refer to Brando Zhang's answer.

    Error: HttpRequest does not contain a definition for Content

    You can take a look at this official document: Upload files in ASP.NET Core.

    And you can also refer to these two posts to solve your problem: ReadAsMultipartAsync equvialent in .NET core 2, MultipartFormDataStreamProvider for ASP.NET Core 2.

    Replacement for HttpContextWrapper

    The HttpContextWrapper class derives from the HttpContextBase class and serves as a wrapper for the HttpContext class. So I think it is possible to access HttpContext directly in Asp.Net Core: Access HttpContext in ASP.NET Core.

    Hope this can help you.