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Finding the average of a variable belonging to an object in a BST?

I am very new to cpp and am currently facing the following problem.

I have csv file filled with Person object class which I need to insert into my BST.

class Person{
        string name;
        string job;
        int age;

I have successfully populated my BST with this Person object. I now need to calculate the average age of all the Persons in the BST (there is an appropriate getter method for the age).

I have the following as my inorder traversal (with function pointers)

template <class T>
void Bst<T>::InOrder(Node<T>* root, void(*InOrderPtr)(T &)) const
    if (root->left != nullptr)
        InOrder(root->left, *InOrderPtr);


    if (root->right != nullptr)
        InOrder(root->right, *InOrderPtr);
template <class T>
void Bst<T>::InOrderTraversal(void (*InOrderPtr)(T&)) const
    InOrder(this->root, *InOrderPtr);

However I am stuck in that I do not know how to proceed next to traverse and find the average of all the ages. Can someone direct me how to do so?


  • Make the second argument to the BST visitor not a function pointer but a templated argument:

    template <typename T, typename Callback>
    void Bst<T>::InOrder(Node<T>* root, Callback&& callback) const {
      // ...
      // ...
    template <typename T, typename Callback>
    void Bst<T>::InOrderTraversal(Callback&& callback) const
        InOrder(this->root, std::move(callback));

    That will allow you to not only pass a function pointer if you like, but also pass a lambda function with state:

    int sum = 0;
    int num = 0;
    bst->InOrderTraversal([&](Person const& person) {
      sum += person.age;
      num += 1;
    auto const average = static_cast<float>(sum) / num;