The documentation regarding the scaling of Function App
using Event Hub
trigger states that:
The trigger (powered by Event Hubs) ensures that only one EventProcessorHost instance can get a lease on a given partition.
As scaling occurs, N instances [of the Function App] is a number greater than the number of event hub partitions
Considering that I have an Event Hub
configured with 32 partitions, under load, I understand why the Function App
scales out to -at least- 32 instances, each locked on to a specific partition.
I want to replace the Event Hub
by a Service Bus
All the messages sent in the Service Bus
are being set a Session ID
to guarantee order.
As explained in the documentation, the Session ID
will be used as a Partition Key
which means I will have a lot of partitions (i.e. over 20,000 - which is Ok... I think).
How does the scaling of the Function App
work in that regard? Are the Service Bus
partitions tied to an instance of the Function App
like it is done with Event Hub
s? Or any instances of the Function App
can get messages from any partitions?
Partitioning in Service Bus is a functionality through which the throughput of a queue or topic is greatly increased by using multiple brokers behind the scenes. The clients aren't really aware of this when connecting and work as if it were a regular queue or topic.
So, an Azure Function can't scale out to the number of partitions that it does not know of.
Instead, it simply scales up as more and more messages are waiting to be processed in the queue or topic, based on how many messages are waiting to be processed.