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Uint64List not supported on flutter web

i have an error with Uint64List in flutter Web (in pointycastle lib)

var length = Uint8List.view((Uint64List(2)..[0] = iv.length * 8).buffer);

"Error: Unsupported operation: Uint64List not supported on the web.
dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/errors.dart 266:49  throw_
dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/patch/typed_data_patch.dart 115:5       new
packages/pointycastle/block/modes/gcm.dart 81:36                              [_computeInitialCounter]
packages/pointycastle/block/modes/gcm.dart 61:16                              prepare
packages/pointycastle/src/impl/base_aead_block_cipher.dart 217:5              reset
packages/pointycastle/block/modes/gcm.dart 47:11                              reset
packages/pointycastle/src/impl/base_aead_block_cipher.dart 117:5              init
packages/pointycastle/block/modes/gcm.dart 40:11                              init
packages/crypto_keys/src/symmetric_operator.dart 71:16                        encrypt

Do you know how to fix that ? Thx


  • For all practical values of IV length, you can fit the value in a 32 bit int. The following equivalent code runs fine in Dartpad and gives the same result as the above code in VM.

    import 'dart:typed_data';
    void main() {
      final iv = Uint8List(12);
      final length = Uint8List.view((Uint32List(4)..[0] = iv.length * 8).buffer);

    And, similarly, this:

    var len = Uint8List.view((Uint32List(4)
          ..[2] = aad!.length * 8
          ..[0] = _processedBytes * 8)