Ho would I refer to a column of Price and Small as Example from Code Below `
dx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['Quantity', 'Price'], ['medium', 'large', 'small']])
MultiIndex([('Quantity', 'medium'),
('Quantity', 'large'),
('Quantity', 'small'),
( 'Price', 'medium'),
( 'Price', 'large'),
( 'Price', 'small')],
I tried df('Price','small') but honestly a bit new at this and not sure how to refer
When you have a single-level / flat index, the column coordinate is a simple string:
When your dataframe columns is a multi-index, the coordinate is an n-tuple:
df[("NameAtLevel0", "NameAtLevel1", "NameAtLevel2")]
Follow that pattern, to retrieve your Price-Small column:
df[("Price", "small")]