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How to move bits of a number from register to eight other registers

I’m trying to move bits from starting register into eight consecutive registers. I’ve just started writing in assembly so I dont really know what to do.

I tried to use rol and lsr instructions. But my loop just reverses the bits. can i change the registry from r18 to r19 mid-loop?

.equ sequen = 0x10001011

ldi r17 
ldi r16, 0x8

next: lsr r17
rol r18    

             ;is there a way to move  
            ;to next register, not    
            ; inc its value?
dec r16
brbc 1, next
rjmp pc


  • As say Peter Cordes it is possible. For example like this

    .equ sequen = 0b1000_1011
            ldi r17, sequen
            ldi r16, 0x8
            ldi zl,18     ;Z (ZH:ZL) is used as indirect address register (pointer in C terminology)
            ldi zh,0      ;this two instruction set Z to 18 - address for first value. See AVR memmory map for details
            clr r0        
            bst r17,0   
            bld r0, 0
            st  z+, r0    ;save result to register and increase address (18, 19, ...|
            lsr r17
            dec r16
            brne next
            rjmp pc