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Google Api Error: Invalid request - APK is marked as debuggable

When submitting app through Expo EAS on the internal track, the APK build seems to succeed, but the following error appears for submission:

Google Api Error: Invalid request - APK is marked as debuggable

Before posting the question I tried several things.

  1. Add debuggable="true" to the <Application tag in AndroidManifest.xml in both main and debug folders.
  2. Check build.gradle and app.json files with another clean Expo 47 project.
  3. Check incremented version numbers
  4. Check Expo doctor (fixed all, except one warning)

Please see the screenshot for the submission logs.

enter image description here

These are the build step logs.

enter image description here


  • Solved by removing "developmentClient": true, from the build profile in eas.json

    "build": {
          "developmentClient": true,
          "distribution": "internal"

    By doing that I also had to remove debuggable="true" from the <Application tag in my AndroidManifest.xml files.