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Dash Radial Plot for Hours of a Day

I am looking for a plot in Ploty/Dash which is similar to radial chart below. The closest one I found in Ploty is polar charts, and line charts.

enter image description here

Here is my implementation:

import random
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import as px

df = pd.DataFrame({'DATE_TIME':pd.date_range('2022-11-01', '2022-11-05 23:00:00',freq='h'),
                   'value':[random.uniform(110, 160) for n in range(120)]})

fig = px.line_polar(df, r='DATE_TIME', theta='value', line_close=True)

and the my output looks like:

enter image description here

Instead of angles, I would like to plot hours like 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and so on. Besides, my line is not in circle shape. I would appreciate any hints, or solutions.


  • You should convert your hourly data to string series as follows:

    import random
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    import as px
    df = pd.DataFrame({'DATE_TIME':pd.date_range('2022-11-01', '2022-11-05 23:00:00',freq="30min"),
                       'value':[random.uniform(110, 160) for n in range(239)]})

    You can plot it this way:

    fig = px.line_polar(df, r='value', theta=df['DATE_TIME'].dt.strftime('%H:%M'))
    fig.update_layout(width=750, height=750)

    enter image description here