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Is there anybody who could help me to convert Objective-C UIDevice+SystemVersion into Swift?

I don't know how to convert the following Objective-C code into Swift as I have not worked with Objective-C before. How should I do it? If somebody has encountered something similar, any help of how the Objective-C code below would look like in Swift would be much appreciated.

// header (.h) file:

#import <UIKit / UIKit.h>

@interface UIDevice(SystemVersion)

  - BOOL systemVersionLessThan: (NSString *) target

// implementation (.m) file

#import "UIDevice+SystemVersion.h"

@implementation UIDevice(SystemVersion)

  - BOOL systemVersionLessThan: (NSString *) target {
    [[self systemVersion] compare: target options: NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedAscending

I can't seem to get my head around of the right way to do this in Swift. This more likely is way off it really should be.

import UIKit

extension UIDevice {
  func SystemVersion() {
    if systemVersionLessThan ->  {}


  • The literal translation is

    extension UIDevice {
        func systemVersionLessThan(_ target: String) -> Bool {
  , options: .numeric) == .orderedAscending

    You can also use

    extension UIDevice {
        func systemVersionLessThan(_ target: String) -> Bool {
            systemVersion.localizedStandardCompare(target) == .orderedAscending