I'm using the Getx
package to manage my app state,
there is something wired happening,
all the providers get initialized multiple times
this is my initialization method
Future<void> main() async {
WidgetsBinding widgetsBinding = WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
FlutterNativeSplash.preserve(widgetsBinding: widgetsBinding);
ErrorWidget.builder = (e) => ErrorScreen(e.exception);
await App.initializeProviders();
if (Get.find<AuthProvider>().isAuth) await App.initializeUserProviders();
runApp(const Appi());
class Appi extends StatelessWidget {
const Appi({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container();
and these is the two methods that I use to initialise the providers
first core providers
static initializeProviders() async {
try {
Get.lazyPut<AuthProvider>(() => AuthProvider(), fenix: true);
Get.lazyPut<SettingsProvider>(() => SettingsProvider(), fenix: true);
Get.put<NotificationsProvider>(NotificationsProvider(), permanent: true);
await Get.find<AuthProvider>().load();
await Get.find<SettingsProvider>().load();
await FirebasePlugin.initializeApp();
} catch (e) {
and second for the authenticated users
static initializeUserProviders() async {
try {
Get.lazyPut<MainProvider>(() => MainProvider(), fenix: true);
Get.lazyPut<FiltersProvider>(() => FiltersProvider(), fenix: true);
Get.lazyPut<CartProvider>(() => CartProvider(), fenix: true);
Get.lazyPut<SearchProvider>(() => SearchProvider(), fenix: true);
// Get.lazyPut(() => HomeProvider(), fenix: true);
// Get.find<HomeProvider>().load();
} catch (e) {
and I got this in the debugging console
[GETX] Instance "NotificationsProvider" has been created
[GETX] Instance "NotificationsProvider" has been initialized
2[GETX] Instance "AuthProvider" has been created
2[GETX] Instance "AuthProvider" has been initialized
[GETX] Instance "NotificationsProvider" has been created
[GETX] Instance "NotificationsProvider" has been initialized
[GETX] Instance "AuthProvider" has been created
[GETX] Instance "AuthProvider" has been initialized
2[GETX] Instance "SettingsProvider" has been created
2[GETX] Instance "SettingsProvider" has been initialized
[GETX] Instance "SettingsProvider" has been created
[GETX] Instance "SettingsProvider" has been initialized
W/FLTFireMsgService( 5927): Attempted to start a duplicate background isolate. Returning...
Note that I use exactly the same methods and the same way in another app and everything works there to find,
// auth load
Future<void> load() async {
if (_profile.value != null && _token.value != null) return;
final localStorage = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
final lt1 = localStorage.getString('somekey1');
final lt2 = localStorage.getString('somekey2');
final lt3 = localStorage.getString('somekey3');
final localProfile = localStorage.getString('_up');
if (lt1 != null && lt2 != null && lt3 != null && localProfile != null) {
_token.value = lt1 + lt2 + lt3;
final profile = json.decode(localProfile);
_profile.value = UserModel.fromJson(profile, avatar: profile['avatar']);
// filters load
load() async {
await App.getData('PRD/filters.php').then((value) {
if (value != null) {
final platforms = value["brands"] as Map<String, dynamic>;
final stores = value["stores"] as Map<String, dynamic>;
setFilters(stores.values.toList(), platforms.values.toList());
}).catchError((e) {
throw e;
// TODO:: handle error
void setFilters(
List<dynamic> stores,
List<dynamic> platforms, {
bool local = false,
}) {
if (stores.isEmpty || platforms.isEmpty) return;
_allPlatforms.value.add(Filter.getDefault(isPlatform: true));
for (var platform in platforms) {
_allPlatforms.value.add(Filter.fromJson(platform, isPlatform: true));
for (var store in stores) {
if (!local) {
SharedPreferences.getInstance().then((prefs) {
prefs.setString("allPlatforms", jsonEncode(platforms));
prefs.setString("allStores", jsonEncode(stores));
// notification load
Future<void> load() async {
final result = await _database.getAll();
if (result.length == _notifications.value.length) return;
.map((e) => NotificationModel.fromJson({
'id': e['id'],
'message': e['title'],
'type': e['type'],
'type_id': e['type_id'],
'level': e['level'],
'is_new': e['is_new'],
if (_notifications.value.isNotEmpty) {
.sort((a, b) => int.parse(a.id).compareTo(int.parse(b.id)));
// cart load
Future<void> load() async {
try {
final items = await database.getAll();
for (var e in items) {
} catch (e) {
I fix this issue as following:
I create a new flutter project, I move my lib folder to the new project.
I guess it was a bug in VSCode or something in the android folder.