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Join overlaping sf objects using specific attribute condition

I have multiple dataframes (sf objects). Each dataframe contains a geometry, name and probability column. They all have the same extents, but only overlap in some regions.

Here is some example data using two dataframes:

a<-nc %>%
  select(c('geom')) %>%
  slice(1:60) %>%
                    max=100)) %>%
b<-nc %>%
  select(c('geom')) %>%
  slice(50:100) %>%
                    max=100)) %>%

I would like to merge/join these two dataframes (a and b), but in the regions where they overlap, I would like to only keep the name where the probability is highest. The new dataframe should contain the name and probability.

How would I start with such a problem?


  • In most cases you can handle sf objects as regular data.frames / tibbles with added benefits of spatial joins. Following example uses st_equals to limit matches to only those that originate from nc[50:60,] (neighbouring polygons in nc overlap, so the number of matches with st_intersects would be higher), for your real data you probably want to use something else (like default st_intersects), check ?st_join for alternatives.

    # by default st_join uses st_intersects predicate & left_join
    # switching to st_equals & inner join
    ab <- st_join(a, b, join = st_equals, suffix = c("_a", "_b"), left = F) %>%
        name = if_else(probability_a > probability_b, name_a, name_b),
        probability = pmax(probability_a, probability_b)
        # uncomment to only keep unused columns
        # , .keep = "unused"
    ggplot() +
      geom_sf(data = a,  aes(alpha = probability), color = "gray80", fill = "red") +
      geom_sf(data = b,  aes(alpha = probability), color = "gray80", fill = "green") +
      geom_sf(data = ab, aes(alpha = probability), color = "gray80", fill = "blue") +
      geom_sf_label(data = ab, aes(label = name), alpha = .5) +

    Resulting sf:

    #> Simple feature collection with 11 features and 6 fields
    #> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
    #> Dimension:     XY
    #> Bounding box:  xmin: -83.9547 ymin: 35.18983 xmax: -75.45698 ymax: 36.22926
    #> Geodetic CRS:  NAD27
    #> First 10 features:
    #>    probability_a name_a probability_b name_b                           geom
    #> 50     69.580424      A     91.374717      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-80.29824 3...
    #> 51     48.284343      A     30.066734      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-77.47388 3...
    #> 52     86.259738      A     46.447507      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-80.96143 3...
    #> 53     44.371614      A     33.907073      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-82.2581 35...
    #> 54     25.234930      A     65.436176      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-78.53874 3...
    #> 55      7.997226      A     26.543661      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-82.74389 3...
    #> 56     10.847150      A     48.375980      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-75.78317 3...
    #> 57     32.310899      A     76.864756      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-77.10377 3...
    #> 58     52.344792      A      9.340445      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-83.33182 3...
    #> 59     66.538503      A     87.656812      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-77.80518 3...
    #>    name probability
    #> 50    B    91.37472
    #> 51    A    48.28434
    #> 52    A    86.25974
    #> 53    A    44.37161
    #> 54    B    65.43618
    #> 55    B    26.54366
    #> 56    B    48.37598
    #> 57    B    76.86476
    #> 58    A    52.34479
    #> 59    B    87.65681


    nc <- st_read(
        package = "sf"
      quiet = TRUE
    a <- nc %>%
      select(c("geom")) %>%
      slice(1:60) %>%
      mutate(probability = runif(
        n = 60,
        min = 1,
        max = 100
      )) %>%
      mutate(name = "A")
    b <- nc %>%
      select(c("geom")) %>%
      slice(50:100) %>%
      mutate(probability = runif(
        n = 51,
        min = 1,
        max = 100
      )) %>%
      mutate(name = "B")

    Created on 2022-11-21 with reprex v2.0.2

    Joining more than 2 sf objects

    A somewhat silly example just to show how one could join multiple sf objects with reduce(), pivot from wide to long, group by "something" and then pick rows with max probabilities from each group. As-is it's probably not too practical. Following just extends previous code.

    # add c and d
    c <- nc %>%
      select(c("geom")) %>%  slice(45:65) %>%
      mutate(probability = runif(n = 21, min = 1,max = 100)) %>%
      mutate(name = "C")
    d <- nc %>%
      select(c("geom")) %>%  slice(40:70) %>%
      mutate(probability = runif(n = 31, min = 1,max = 100)) %>%
      mutate(name = "D")
    # collect sf objects into list
    abcd <- list("a" = a,
                 "b" = b,
                 "c" = c,
                 "d" = d) 
    abcd_ijoin <- abcd %>% 
      # rename columns in each sf, skip geom col
      imap(function(sf_, name_) sf_ %>% rename_with(~ paste(.x, name_, sep = '_'), -geom)) %>% 
      # $a
      #                              geom probability_a name_a
      # 1  MULTIPOLYGON (((-81.47276 3...     27.285358      A
      # ...
      # "Reduce a list to a single value by iteratively applying a binary function"
      # basically st_join(a,b) %>% st_join(c) %>% st_join(d)
      # or st_join(st_join(st_join(a,b),c),d)
      # join = st_equals, left = F are passed to each st_join() call,
      # each call adds 2 columns
      reduce(st_join, join = st_equals, left = F) %>% 
      #    probability_a name_a probability_b name_b probability_c name_c probability_d name_d                           geom
      # 50     69.580424      A     91.374717      B      63.51060      C      13.78653      D MULTIPOLYGON (((-80.29824 3...
      # 51     48.284343      A     30.066734      B      39.61781      C      26.38039      D MULTIPOLYGON (((-77.47388 3...  
      # remove name_* columns
      select(!starts_with("name")) %>% 
      #    probability_a probability_b probability_c probability_d                           geom
      # 50     69.580424     91.374717      63.51060      13.78653 MULTIPOLYGON (((-80.29824 3...
      # 51     48.284343     30.066734      39.61781      26.38039 MULTIPOLYGON (((-77.47388 3...  
      # pivot from wide to long format, 
      # probability_a, probability_b, .. values are collected into single "probability" column and
      # name-part(a,b,c,..) of column name ends up in "name" column
      pivot_longer(starts_with("probability"), names_pattern = "probability_(.*)", values_to = "probability") %>% 
      # A tibble: 44 × 3
      #                                                   geom name  probability
      #                                     <MULTIPOLYGON [°]> <chr>       <dbl>
      # 1 (((-80.29824 35.4949, -80.72652 35.50757, -80.766... a            69.6
      # 2 (((-80.29824 35.4949, -80.72652 35.50757, -80.766... b            91.4
      # group by some feature (by geom only works because objects were joined with st_equals)
      # and get row with max probabilty from each group
      group_by(geom) %>% 
      slice_max(probability) %>% 
      # A tibble: 11 × 3
      #                                                   geom name  probability
      #                                     <MULTIPOLYGON [°]> <chr>       <dbl>
      # 1 (((-80.29824 35.4949, -80.72652 35.50757, -80.766... b            91.4
      # 2 (((-77.47388 35.42153, -77.50456 35.48483, -77.50... a            48.3
    ggplot() +
      geom_sf(data = bind_rows(abcd), color = "gray80", alpha = .1) +
      geom_sf(data = abcd_ijoin, aes(fill = name, alpha = probability), color = "gray80") +