I have a YAML file with 2 documents
# template.yaml
a : 1
b : 2
I'm trying to edit the YAML file inplace. I've tried using
# yq4
yq -i '
select(documentIndex == 0) |
.a = 3 |
select(documentIndex == 1) |
.b = 4
' template.yaml
But figured out that this outputs an empty file. I figured that the output of select(documentIndex == 0) | .a = 3
is a single document, which when piped to select(documentIndex == 1)
, results in an empty document.
In yq3, I can do this by writing
yq w -d1 .a 3 | yq w -d2 .b 4` > template.yaml
Is there an equivalent to this yq4 command in yq3?
You have it right, on why it doesn't work with mikefarah/yq v4. A simpler way to do that would be to do
yq 'select(di == 0).a = 3 | select(di == 1).b = 5' yaml
It is not recommended to use the in-place substitution flag, before verifying the contents of the stdout. Always add it afterwards.