Search code examples

model passed College.WebInterface.Models.ViewModels.HomeIndexViewModel but instance requires a mdel itm of typ College.WebInterface.Models.Department

Controller code

public IActionResult Index() { 
    HomeIndexViewModel HomePageModel = new HomeIndexViewModel();
    //List<Notification> nf = new List<Notification>();
    var f = (from n in _context.Notifications.OrderByDescending(n => n.Date)  select n).Take(5);
      return View(HomePageModel);

Razor Page code

    ///Razor-View Code 
    @model College.WebInterface.Models.ViewModels.HomeIndexViewModel
    <h1>Welcome </h1>

I am getting this error even after using the correct objects and models. what might be the reason. TIA


  • resolved the issue in another forum .. there was a reference to College.WebInterface.Models.Department in the main Layout page... after removing that reference it worked perfectly...