Summarize points in second collection and put it in the first collection
given two collections:
_id: 123323525245,
token: "token_1",
points: 0
_id: 3454545334
token: "token_2"
points: 0
_id: 1324454:
lines: [
token: "token_1",
points: 20
token: "token_1",
points: 10
token: "token_2",
points: 12
I want to summarize all the points in collection b by token, and put it in a collection expected a collection:
_id: 123323525245,
token: "token_1",
points: 30
_id: 3454545334
token: "token_2"
points: 12
What query should I use?
Unwind collection b first, and then group by token.
"$unwind": "$lines"
"$group": {
"_id": "$lines.token",
"points": {
"$sum": "$lines.points"
"$lookup": {
"from": "a",
"localField": "_id",
"foreignField": "token",
"as": "docs"
"$project": {
"_id": {
"$first": "$docs._id"
"points": "$points",
"token": "$_id"