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Camera Live view (Hikvision) with Flutter

I'm building a Flutter app and I need to connect and view live feed of our Hikvision IP camera inside our building:

I have tried these two libraries but they are very old and I couldn't get them to work:

a) flutter_hk: ^1.0.2 => it does not support 'Null Safety' so I was not able to build my application

b) remote_ip_camera: ^2.0.0 => it is giving many errors since it is using old widgets like FlatButton & RaisedButton

How this connection can be done from inside my Flutter app and show the camera feed inside a ‘Container’ widget? I have my camera IP address, port, username and password.

I have looked everywhere but couldn’t find any official documentation from Hikvision or any other IP cameras manufacturer.


  • I used to stream rtsp stream of hikvision camera.

    create a widget video_streaming_window.dart with the below code

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:flutter_vlc_player/flutter_vlc_player.dart';
    class VideoStreamingWindow extends StatefulWidget {
      final String url;
      const VideoStreamingWindow({Key key, this.url}) : super(key: key);
      State<VideoStreamingWindow> createState() => _VideoStreamingWindowState();
    class _VideoStreamingWindowState extends State<VideoStreamingWindow> {
      VlcPlayerController _videoPlayerController;
      void initState() {
        _videoPlayerController =
          autoInitialize: true,
          hwAcc: HwAcc.full,
          autoPlay: true,
          options: VlcPlayerOptions(),
      void dispose() {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return VlcPlayer(
          controller: _videoPlayerController,
          aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
          placeholder: const Center(
              child: CircularProgressIndicator(
            color: Colors.white,

    Call it in your UI wherever necessary by VideoStreamingWindow(url: 'rtsp://<username>:<password>@<camera-ip>/ISAPI/Streaming/channels/<channel-no>')