Is it possible to secure Tabs in my PySimpleGUI code ? Means that only 1st Tab can be kept accessible and the other ones request password:
Knowing that I'm able to do that using Collapsible function as follows :
def Collapsible(layout, key, title='', arrows=(sg.SYMBOL_DOWN, sg.SYMBOL_UP),
return sg.Column([[sg.T((arrows[1] if collapsed else arrows[0]), enable_events=True,
text_color='DeepSkyBlue2', k=key+'-BUTTON-'),
sg.T(title, enable_events=True, text_color='yellow', key=key+'-TITLE-')],
[, key=key, visible=not collapsed,
metadata=arrows))]], pad=(0,0))
==> Here's teh Layout Part
#### 1st part ####
[Collapsible(Menu1, SEC1_KEY,, collapsed=True)],
#### 2nd part ####
[Collapsible(Menu2, SEC2_KEY, collapsed=True)],
while True: # Event Loop
event, values =
#print(event, values)
if event == s
if event.startswith(SEC2_KEY):
window[SEC2_KEY].update(visible=not window[SEC2_KEY].visible)
window[SEC2_KEY+'-BUTTON-'].update(window[SEC2_KEY].metadata[0] if
window[SEC2_KEY].visible else window[SEC2_KEY].metadata[1])
Any one can help on that ? Thanks
Information for a question here, IMO, it will be better.
Here, just for how to set which tab accessible. tkinter code required here.
import PySimpleGUI as sg
accessible = [0, 3]
layout = [[sg.TabGroup([[sg.Tab(f'TAB {i}',[[sg.Text(f'This is the Tab {i}')]],key=f'Tab {i}',) for i in range(5)]], key='TabGroup')]]
window = sg.Window('Tab Group', layout, finalize=True)
window['TabGroup'].bind('<Button-1>', ' Change', propagate=False)
while True:
event, values =
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
elif event == 'TabGroup Change':
e = window['TabGroup'].user_bind_event
if e.widget.identify(e.x, e.y) == 'label':
index = e.widget.index(f'@{e.x},{e.y}')
if index in accessible:
window[f'Tab {index}'].select()
""" Password secured
if sg.popup_get_text("Password") == 'Hello':
window[f'Tab {index}'].select()