Hey Fellow Developers,
I am working on a flutter application and I am currently implementing Auth0. However when I am sending a web authentication login request it fails due to not being authorized.
Here is the login code
final auth0 = Auth0(
'DOMAIN Goes Here',
'Client ID Goes Here',
final result = await auth0.webAuthentication().login(redirectUrl: 'URL Redirection Here');
Here is the Error log via Auth0
Here is a further look at the error
I have the ability to get a Token to send with the login however there is no option to add it because usually you would get a token after you login.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
I changed some settings within auth0 that was suggested via a comment now when the application runs and login is pressed it sends the user to an empty browser and no error message.
Cheers Devs
So the issue was the emulator. When I switched from the emulator to a real device the Auth0 worked perfect.