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How to work with GetX Observable Variables?

I have a simple timer app whose UI includes this code snippet:

body: Center(
        child: Column(
          children: [
              width: 120,
              height: 120,
              child: Obx(
                () => CircularProgressIndicator(
                  value: <== This is what I'm asking about,

I want the CircularProgressIndicator to increment like a clock, changing its value 1/60 every second or minute. My GetxController class begins:

class Controller extends GetxController {
  Timer? timer;
  Duration timerInterval = Duration(seconds: 1);
  var time = 0;
  var strTime = '00:00'.obs;

It's got methods with names like startTimer(), stopTimer(), and resetTimer().

If I make the Controller's time field observable

var time=0.obs;

and then try to use that value in the CircularProgressIndicator

      () => CircularProgressIndicator(
         value: timeController.time.value % 60,

I get an error that A value of type 'int' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'RxInt' centered on the marked line in the Controller:

 void resetTimer() {
if (timer != null) {
  timer = null;
  time = 0; <== This is the problematic line
strTime.value = '00:00';

I thought I needed to replace this code with time.value=0;but that just creates a new error message, type 'int' is not a subtype of type 'RxInt' of 'function result'. What am I doing incorrectly?


  • In case someone needed this:

    I tried the following and it's working very fine with Getx:


    class TestController extends GetxController {
      Timer? timer;
      Duration timerInterval = const Duration(seconds: 1);
      RxInt time = 0.obs;
      var strTime = '00:00'.obs;
      void onInit() {
        timer = Timer.periodic(timerInterval, (_) {
          time.value = time.value + 1;
      void resetTimer() {
        if (timer != null) {
          timer = null;
          time.value = 0; // <== This is working fine
        strTime.value = '00:00';


      () => CircularProgressIndicator(
       value: testController.time.value / 60,