I'm very new to smart contract development , and I had just deployed my first contract on ganache.
Here's the code of SimpleLearn.sol
contract SimpleLearn
address public payer;
address public thirdParty;
address public receiver;
uint public amt;
uint senderBal;
uint remamount;
constructor (address _payer, uint amount, address _receiver) // constructor is invoked only once for entire
// contract. mostly thats why invoked by thirdParty
payer = _payer;
receiver = _receiver;
amt = amount;
thirdParty = msg.sender;
remamount = amount;
mapping (address=>uint) public balances;
function deposit(uint transferm) public returns (uint)
require (msg.sender == payer, "Sender must be payer");
require (transferm< remamount, "Amount to transfer should be lesser than remaining amount");
remamount = remamount - transferm;
balances[thirdParty] += transferm;
return remamount;
//return msg.sender.balance;
This is the code for 2_deploy_contract.js
module.exports = function(deployer) {
when I am trying to create an instance of the contract using deployed() method as follows:
let newinst = await SimpleLearn.deployed()
it is returning me a parse error as follows
Note : I have already deployed my smart contract to a private blockchain using ganache
I am not able to understand what I am missing ? Kindly help me out ! Thank you !
I think that is because you are not in truffle development environment. first make sure ganache is running. in your truffle project directory
truffle console