I have this query that returns 13 rows.
SELECT DISTINCT title,year FROM MovieAwards WHERE EXISTS (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM Movies WHERE MovieAwards.title = Movies.title AND Movies.year = MovieAwards.year AND Movies.year >= 2000 AND Movies.year <= 2010 AND MovieAwards.result='won');
Now i need to use the number of rows of this query as a float for other queries. I am aware that i can use THIS AND AS to store the number of rows in some temporary variable. But i can't find a single way to modify the first query to output 13.
If i do SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MovieAwards WHERE EXISTS IN (the code above)
i get a very different number as title,year is not the key of MovieAwards.
I also tried to replace title,year with count(title,year) but i'm guessing that isn't allowed.
I can't think of anything else to try. Any help would be apretiated.
Edit: Thanks @nbk for your code. Individually it works perfectly. However when I try to use it I get either a syntax error or a casting error. This last attempt below in particular gives a generic syntax error:
"won" AS
FROM MovieAwards
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM Movies WHERE MovieAwards.title = Movies.title AND Movies.year = MovieAwards.year AND Movies.year >= 2000 AND Movies.year <= 2010 AND MovieAwards.result='won')
GROUP BY title,year),
"total" AS
FROM Movies
WHERE Movies.year >=2000 AND Movies.year <=2010)
SELECT success-rate AS ( CASE WHEN (total = 0) THEN '-1' (ELSE won/total) );
You can GROUP BY
title and year and count the result
FROM MovieAwards
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM Movies WHERE MovieAwards.title = Movies.title AND Movies.year = MovieAwards.year AND Movies.year >= 2000 AND Movies.year <= 2010 AND MovieAwards.result='won')
GROUP BY "title","year";
count |