I am trying to use VideoPlayer to load a local video. The program runs fine when it is standalone (in its own file). But, when I bring it into my main program, it loads the video but only plays the sound. I get an error (warning, to be more precise) message:
[WARNING] [ffpyplayer ] [ffpyplayer_abuffersink @ 000001e84fb55580] Removing channel layout 0x3, redundant with 2 channels
Here's the standalone version:
import cv2
from kivy.uix.videoplayer import VideoPlayer
from kivymd.app import MDApp
class PlayVid(MDApp):
def build(self):
player = VideoPlayer(source="Roadhouse.mp4")
player.state = "play"
player.options = {"eos": "stop"}
player.allow_stretch = True
return player
if __name__ == '__main__':
And here is the same thing split in functions and class in my main program:
class PlayVid(MDApp):
def playnow(self):
# player = VideoPlayer(source='Roadhouse.mp4')
# player.state = "play"
video = VideoPlayer(source='Roadhouse.mp4')
video.state = "play"
# player.options = {"eos": "stop"}
# player.allow_stretch = True
return video
class SecondWindow(Screen):
def build (self):
sm = ScreenManager()
self.sec_screen = SecondWindow()
return sm
def start_play(self):
A kv button in SecondWindow triggers start_play and then PlayVid.playnow(self). That's all. It runs, loads the file, and then just plays the sound. No video.
I can't understand what I'm doing wrong. Help?
I created a standalone program for it, and it works. I just can't understand why it drops the video and plays the sound when brought into the main program.
Your playnow()
method returns the VideoPlayer
widget, but that return is ignored. You must add that widget to your GUI in order to see it. Try using this version of start_play()
def start_play(self):
v = MDApp.get_running_app().playnow()