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HAProxy - Forwarding Client Certificate to backend HashiCorp Vault servers

I've been trying for about a week to setup a HashiCorp Vault environment, but have gotten stuck at setting up the last part: HAProxy, as I am unable to forward my Client Certificate to my backend.

My current setup on the HAProxy is this:

frontend vaultfrontend
        mode http
        bind *:8200 ssl crt /home/administrator/tls.crt verify none
        redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }
        default_backend vaultbackend
backend vaultbackend
        mode http
        timeout check 5s

        option httpchk
        http-check connect ssl
        http-check send meth GET uri /v1/sys/health
        http-check expect status 200

        server a.vault a.vault.test.local:8200 ssl verify none check
        server b.vault b.vault.test.local:8200 ssl verify none check
        server c.vault c.vault.test.local:8200 ssl verify none check

My backend vault servers are running SSL with Windows CA signed certificates, and works just fine through their respective URLS. The HAProxy has a signed certificate allowing people to connect to it via this URL: https://vault.test.local:8200, which works as expected.

The issue arises when I try to access the Vaults via HashiCorp Vault's Cert Auth authentication method. Whenever I try to authenticate via https://vault.test.local:8200 which is the HAProxy, I get an error message saying there's a lack of Client Certificate in the request: ({"errors":["client certificate must be supplied"]})'

It however works perfectly fine if I directly target my Vault servers instead.

I've tried to edit the config to include this: http-request set-header X-Client-Cert %{+Q}[ssl_c_der,base64] with different variations, but it changes nothing. It really seems to me like HAProxy for whatever reason will not take my X-Client-Certificate being sent from my VaultSharp application (C#) and forward it.

Does anyone have a setup like this that works, or at least have any idea what the issue might be?


  • I finally got it solved, the issue is that performing SSL-Termination with HAProxy will always cause a Client Certificate to get lost (at least from all the things I ended up trying..)

    The solution is to do SSL-Passthrough instead, and the Client Certificate will be read by the Vault environment correctly.

    It would look something like this:

    frontend vaultfrontend
            mode tcp
            bind *:8200
            redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }
            default_backend vaultbackend
    backend vaultbackend
            mode tcp
            timeout check 5s
            option httpchk
            http-check connect ssl
            http-check send meth GET uri /v1/sys/health
            http-check expect status 200
            server a.vault a.vault.test.local:8200 ssl verify none check
            server b.vault b.vault.test.local:8200 ssl verify none check
            server c.vault c.vault.test.local:8200 ssl verify none check