I'm trying to change cursor from block to vertical bar (I-beam) when entering Vim command line.
I was trying with this separate codes:
" with these two codes nothing happens
autocmd CmdlineEnter * let &t_SI
autocmd CmdlineEnter * execute &t_SI
" this last one produce "E20: Mark not set" error
autocmd CmdlineEnter * execute '!echo -ne "' . &t_SI . '"'
Is something like that even possible or vim uses same cursor for cmd line like it uses in normal mode.
I've changed normal mode (&t_EI) to vertical bar and in that case cursor was vertical bar in cmd line.
Can cursor be changed in cmd line regardles of normal mode?
Can someone help with this?
In Vim 8.2.0258 or newer, the echoraw()
function can be used
autocmd CmdlineEnter * call echoraw(&t_SI)
autocmd CmdlineLeave * call echoraw(&t_EI)