When writing a Chinese paper, both Chinese and English papers could be cited. However, styles are slightly differently. The example is as follows:
Cite an English article (Smith et al. 2022), and cite a Chinese article (张三 等 2018).
In other words, for papers with multiple authors, et al.
is used for English papers, while 等
is applied for Chinese papers. Considering that Citation Style Language cannot handle multiple languages, I’d ask help for Lua filter.
A Markdown file named test.md
as an example:
Cite an English article [@makarchev2022], and cite a Chinese article [@luohongyun2018].
Then run the command below:
pandoc -C -t native test.md
And the output of the main body:
[ Para
[ Str "Cite"
, Space
, Str "an"
, Space
, Str "English"
, Space
, Str "article"
, Space
, Cite
[ Citation
{ citationId = "makarchev2022"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationNoteNum = 1
, citationHash = 0
[ Str "(Makarchev"
, Space
, Str "et"
, Space
, Str "al."
, Space
, Str "2022)"
, Str ","
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "cite"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "Chinese"
, Space
, Str "article"
, Space
, Cite
[ Citation
{ citationId = "luohongyun2018"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationNoteNum = 2
, citationHash = 0
[ Str "(\32599\32418\20113"
, Space
, Str "et"
, Space
, Str "al."
, Space
, Str "2018)"
, Str "."
Because @luohongyun2018
is a Chinese bibliography, I want to replace the last English et al.
followed it, i.e.:
, Str "et"
, Space
, Str "al."
to an Chinese word 等
, Str "\31561"
Is it possible to make it via Lua filter? Following the example in the Lua filter page, I have tried but didn’t make it by myself.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
The filter below does two things: it checks if the citation text contains Chinese characters and, if so, then continues to to replace the et al.
The test for Chinese characters is a bit fragile; it could be made more robust by using the utf8.codepoint
function from standard Lua library instead.
function Cite (cite)
return cite:walk{
Inlines = function (inlines)
local has_cjk = false
inlines:walk {
Str = function (s)
has_cjk = has_cjk or
pandoc.layout.real_length(s.text) > pandoc.text.len(s.text)
-- do nothing if this does not contain wide chars.
if not has_cjk then
return nil
local i = 1
local result = pandoc.Inlines{}
while i <= #inlines do
if i + 2 <= #inlines and
inlines[i].text == 'et' and
inlines[i+1].t == 'Space' and
inlines[i+2].text == 'al.' then
result:insert(pandoc.Str '等')
i = i + 3
i = i + 1
return result