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TypeError: function() missing 1 required positional argument: 'y'

I want the greet function to say "Hi Sam, Hi Cody" using the format function but I am getting this error:

TypeError: greet() missing 1 required positional argument: 'y' 

def names():
        def name1():
            x = "Sam"
            return x
        def name2():
            y = "Cody"
            return y 

What do I need to put in greet(names()) to get this to work?

from names import names

def greet(x,y):
    template = "Hi {}, Hi {} ".format(x,y)



  • Is this what you're after:

    def name1():
        return 'Sam'
    def name2():
        return 'Cody'
    def greet (x, y):
        print (f'Hi {x}, Hi {y}')
    greet (name1(), name2())
    # Result:
        # Hi Sam, Hi Cody

    names() returning multiple outputs

    If you wanted to write a single function names() that returns multiple outputs, you can do it like this:

    def names():
        return 'Sam', 'Cody'

    The return from names() is a tuple containing two strings. If you pass it directly to greet(), you'll be passing greet() a single argument - a tuple that happens to contain two things within it. That will produce the error you were getting:

    greet (names())
    TypeError: greet() missing 1 required positional argument: 'y'

    You could, on the other hand, unpack the tuple returned by names() when you pass it to greet(), like so:

    greet (*names())
    # Result:
        # Hi Sam, Hi Cody